Source code for labscript_utils.versions

#                                                                   #
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# Copyright 2019, Chris Billington                                  #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of the labscript suite (see                     #
# and is licensed under the Simplified   #
# BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of the project  #
# for the full license.                                             #
#                                                                   #
import sys
import os
import importlib
import tokenize
import ast
import setuptools_scm
import packaging.version

    import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata
except ImportError:
    import importlib_metadata

[docs]class NotFound(object): pass
[docs]class NoVersionInfo(object): pass
[docs]class VersionException(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class BrokenInstall(RuntimeError): pass
ERR_BROKEN_INSTALL = """Multiple metadata files for {package} found in {path}; cannot reliably get version information. This indicates a previous version of the package was not properly removed. You may want to uninstall the package, manually delete remaining metadata files/folders, then reinstall the package.""".replace('\n', ' ')
[docs]def get_import_path(import_name): """Get which entry in sys.path a module would be imported from, without importing it. Args: import_name (str): The module name. Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: Raised if the module is not installed. NotImplementedError: Raised if the module is a "namespace package". Support for namepsace packages is not currently availabled. Returns: str: The path to the folder containing the module. """ spec = importlib.util.find_spec(import_name) if spec is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError(import_name) location = spec.origin if location is None: # A namespace package msg = "Version checking of namespace packages not implemented" raise NotImplementedError(msg) if spec.parent: # A package: return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(location)) else: # A single-file module: return os.path.dirname(location)
[docs]def _get_metadata_version(project_name, import_path): """Gets the package metadata version. Args: project_name (str): The package name (e.g. the name used when pip installing the package). import_path (str): The path to the folder containing the installed package. Raises: :exc:`BrokenInstall`: Raised if the package installation is corrupted (multiple packages matching the given arguments were found). May occur if (un)installation for a particular package version only partially completed. Returns: The metadata version for a package with the given project name located at the given import path, or None if there is no such package. """ for finder in sys.meta_path: if hasattr(finder, 'find_distributions'): context = importlib_metadata.DistributionFinder.Context( name=project_name, path=[import_path] ) dists = finder.find_distributions(context) dists = list(dists) if len(dists) > 1: msg = ERR_BROKEN_INSTALL.format(package=project_name, path=import_path) raise BrokenInstall(msg) if dists: return dists[0].version
[docs]def _get_literal_version(filename): """Tokenize a source file and return any :code:`__version__ = <version>` literal defined in it. Args: filename (str): The path to the file to tokenize. Returns: Any version literal found matching the above criteria, or None. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): return None with open(filename, 'r') as f: try: tokens = list(tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)) except tokenize.TokenError: tokens = [] for i, token in enumerate(tokens[:-2]): token_type, token_str, _, _, _ = token if token_type == tokenize.NAME and token_str == '__version__': next_token_type, next_token_str, _, _, _ = tokens[i + 1] if next_token_type == tokenize.OP and next_token_str == '=': next_next_token_type, next_next_token_str, _, _, _ = tokens[i + 2] if next_next_token_type == tokenize.STRING: try: version = ast.literal_eval(next_next_token_str) if version is not None: return version except (SyntaxError, ValueError): continue
[docs]def get_version(import_name, project_name=None, import_path=None): """Try very hard to get the version of a package without importing it. If import_path is not given, first find where it would be imported from, without importing it. Then look for metadata in the same import path with the given project name (note: this is not always the same as the import name, it is the name for example you would ask pip to install). If that is found, return the version info from it. Otherwise look for a :code:`` file in the package directory, or a :code:`__version__ = <version>` literal defined in the package source (without executing it). Args: import_name (str): The module name. project_name (str, optional): The package name (e.g. the name used when pip installing the package). This must be specified if it does not match the module name. import_path (str, optional): The path to the folder containing the installed package. Raises: NotImplementedError: Raised if the module name contains a period. Only top-level packages are supported at this time. Returns: The version literal of the package. If the package cannot be found, :class:`NotFound` is returned. If the version cannot be obtained in the above way, or if the version was found but was :code:`None`, :class:`NoVersionInfo` is returned. """ if project_name is None: project_name = import_name if '.' in import_name: msg = "Version checking of top-level packages only implemented" raise NotImplementedError(msg) if import_path is None: # Find the path where the module lives: try: import_path = get_import_path(import_name) except ImportError: return NotFound if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(import_path, import_name)): return NotFound try: # Check if setuptools_scm gives us a version number, for the case that it's a # git repo or PyPI tarball: return setuptools_scm.get_version(import_path) except LookupError: pass # Check if importlib_metadata knows about this module: version = _get_metadata_version(project_name, import_path) if version is not None: return version # Check if it has a version literal defined in a file: version_dot_py = os.path.join(import_path, import_name, '') version = _get_literal_version(version_dot_py) if version is not None: return version # check if it has a __version__ literal defined in its main module. pkg = os.path.join(import_path, import_name) if os.path.isdir(pkg): module_file = os.path.join(pkg, '') else: module_file = pkg + '.py' version = _get_literal_version(module_file) if version is not None: return version return NoVersionInfo
[docs]def check_version(module_name, at_least, less_than, version=None, project_name=None): """Checks if a module version is within specified bounds. Checks that the version of the given module is at least and less than the given version strings. This function uses :func:`get_version` to determine version numbers without importing modules. In order to do this, :code:`project_name` must be provided if it differs from :code:`module_name`. For example, pyserial is imported as 'serial', but the project name, as passed to a 'pip install' command, is 'pyserial'. Therefore to check the version of pyserial, pass in :code:`module_name='serial'` and :code:`project_name='pyserial'`. You can also pass in a version string yourself, in which case no inspection of packages will take place. Args: module_name (str): The name of the module to check. at_least (str): The minimum acceptable module version. less_than (str): The minimum unacceptable module version. Usually this would be the next major version if the package follows `semver <>`_. version (str, optional): The current version of the installed package. Useful when the package version is stored in a non-standard location. project_name (str, optional): The package name (e.g. the name used when pip installing the package). This must be specified if it does not match the module name. Raises: :exc:`VersionException`: if the module was not found or its version could not be determined. """ if version is None: version = get_version(module_name, project_name) if version is NotFound: raise VersionException('Module {} not found'.format(module_name)) if version is NoVersionInfo: raise VersionException( 'Could not get version info from module {}'.format(module_name) ) at_least_version, less_than_version, installed_version = [ packaging.version.parse(v) for v in [at_least, less_than, version] ] if not at_least_version <= installed_version < less_than_version: msg = ( '{module_name} {version} found. ' + '{at_least} <= {module_name} < {less_than} required.' ) raise VersionException(msg.format(**locals()))
if __name__ == '__main__': assert get_version('subprocess') == NoVersionInfo assert get_version('plsgtbg') == NotFound assert type(get_version('labscript_utils')) in [str, bytes] assert type(get_version('numpy')) in [str, bytes] assert type(get_version('serial', 'pyserial')) in [str, bytes]