Source code for

import sys
import json
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from import Iterable, Mapping
import numpy as np

JSON_IDENTIFIER = 'Content-Type: application/json '
BASE64_IDENTIFIER = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 '


[docs]def _check_dicts(o): if isinstance(o, Mapping): if not all(isinstance(k, (str, bytes)) for k in o.keys()): raise TypeError("Cannot JSON encode dictionary with non-string keys") for item in o.values(): _check_dicts(item) elif isinstance(o, Iterable) and not isinstance(o, (str, bytes)): for item in o: _check_dicts(item)
[docs]def _encode_bytestrings(o): """Encode all bytestring values (not keys) to base64 with a prefix""" if isinstance(o, Mapping): return {key: _encode_bytestrings(value) for key, value in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, Iterable) and not isinstance(o, (str, bytes)): return list([_encode_bytestrings(value) for value in o]) elif isinstance(o, bytes): return BASE64_IDENTIFIER + str(b64encode(o).decode()) else: return o
[docs]def _decode_bytestrings(o): """Decode all base64-encoded values (not keys) to bytestrings""" if isinstance(o, Mapping): return {key: _decode_bytestrings(value) for key, value in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, Iterable) and not isinstance(o, (str, bytes)): return list([_decode_bytestrings(value) for value in o]) elif isinstance(o, str) and o.startswith(BASE64_IDENTIFIER): return b64decode(o[len(BASE64_IDENTIFIER):]) else: return o
[docs]def is_json(value): if isinstance(value, bytes): return value[:len(JSON_IDENTIFIER)] == JSON_IDENTIFIER.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(value, str): return value.startswith(JSON_IDENTIFIER) return False
[docs]def _default(o): # Workaround for if isinstance(o, np.integer): return int(o) raise TypeError
[docs]def serialise(value): _check_dicts(value) value = _encode_bytestrings(value) json_string = json.dumps(value, default=_default) return JSON_IDENTIFIER + json_string
[docs]def deserialise(value): assert is_json(value) return _decode_bytestrings(json.loads(value[len(JSON_IDENTIFIER):]))
[docs]def set_attributes(group, attributes): """Add attributes to a HDF5 group, serialising them to JSON if they do not map to native HDF5 datatypes""" for key, val in attributes.items(): try: # Workaround for h5py not supporting None but not raising a TypeError: if val is None: raise TypeError('has no native HDF5 equivalent') group.attrs[key] = val except TypeError as e: # If type not supported by HDF5, store as JSON if 'has no native HDF5 equivalent' in str(e): json_string = serialise(val) group.attrs[key] = json_string else: raise
[docs]def get_attributes(group): """Return attributes of a HDF5 group as a dict, deserialising any that have been encoded as JSON""" return {k: deserialise(v) if is_json(v) else v for k, v in group.attrs.items()}
[docs]def get_attribute(group, name): """Return the attribute of the given name from the given HDF5 group, deserialising it if it has been encoded as JSON""" value = group.attrs[name] if is_json(value): return deserialise(value) return value
[docs]def set_device_properties(h5_file, device_name, properties): set_attributes(h5_file['devices/' + device_name], properties)
[docs]def _get_device_properties(h5_file, device_name): return get_attributes(h5_file['devices/' + device_name])
[docs]def _get_con_table_properties(h5_file, device_name): import h5py dataset = h5_file['connection table'] # Compare with the name in the connection table # whether it is np.bytes_ or vlenstr: namecol_dtype = dataset['name'].dtype if namecol_dtype.type is np.bytes_: device_name = device_name.encode('utf8') elif namecol_dtype is h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str): pass else: raise TypeError(namecol_dtype) row = dataset[dataset['name'] == device_name][0] json_string = row['properties'] return deserialise(json_string)
[docs]def _get_unit_conversion_parameters(h5_file, device_name): import h5py dataset = h5_file['connection table'] # Compare with the name in the connection table # whether it is np.bytes_ or vlenstr: namecol_dtype = dataset['name'].dtype if namecol_dtype.type is np.bytes_: device_name = device_name.encode('utf8') elif namecol_dtype is h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str): pass else: raise TypeError(namecol_dtype) row = dataset[dataset['name'] == device_name][0] json_string = row['unit conversion params'] return deserialise(json_string)
[docs]def get(h5_file, device_name, location): if location == 'device_properties': return _get_device_properties(h5_file, device_name) elif location == 'connection_table_properties': return _get_con_table_properties(h5_file, device_name) elif location == 'unit_conversion_parameters': return _get_unit_conversion_parameters(h5_file, device_name) else: raise ValueError('location must be one of %s'%str(VALID_PROPERTY_LOCATIONS))