Source code for labscript_utils.filewatcher

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# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
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# This file is part of the labscript suite (see                     #
# and is licensed under the Simplified   #
# BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of the project  #
# for the full license.                                             #
#                                                                   #
from inspect import getfullargspec
from queue import Queue, Empty
import threading
import os
import hashlib

[docs]class FileWatcher(object): def __init__(self, callback, files=None, folders=None, clean_modified_info=None, hashable_types=None, interval=1, **kwargs): """ Detect modification, deletion, creation, or restoration of specific files (and all files in specific folders). callback -- elicited whenever file events are detected, requires at least (name, info) arguments. Event specific callback requires (name, info, event) arguments, where event is on of: 'modified', 'deleted' (or None), 'created', 'restored', 'original' The 'original' event corresponds to a state change that results in the original file info at instantiation. Keyword arguments: files -- List of specific files to watch. A single file can be specified as a string (default None). folders -- List of specific folders to watch. A single folder can be specified as a string (default None). If a file is created/deleted in/from any watched folder, it is added/ removed to/from the FileWatcher.files attribute. clean_modified_info -- File info to detect modification/restoration with respect to. If None (default), or for files not present in clean_modified_info, the initial modified info will be based on the first polling of files. hashable_types -- File extensions for which MD5 checksum will be used to detect modification/restoration with (default None). Files of any other type will be watched using their modified time. Restoration cannot be detected for types not in hashable_types. interval -- Polling interval in seconds (default 1). """ if len(getfullargspec(callback)[0]) > 2: # For backwards compatability, allow callback to have only two args self.callback = callback else: self.callback = lambda name, info, event: callback(name, info) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.hashable_types = ( [] if hashable_types is None else [x.lower() for x in hashable_types] ) self.files = set() self.folders = set() # Backwards compat for BLACS before hashing was introduced: if 'modified_times' in kwargs and clean_modified_info is None: clean_modified_info = kwargs['modified_times'] if clean_modified_info is None: clean_modified_info = {} self.clean_modified_info = clean_modified_info.copy() if files: self.add_files(files) if folders: self.add_folders(folders) self.update_files(trigger_callback=False) # Remove keys from clean_modified_info that are not in the files watchlist: for name in self.clean_modified_info.copy(): if name not in self.files: del self.clean_modified_info[name] self.modified_info = self.clean_modified_info.copy() self.main = threading.Thread(target=self.mainloop) self.main.daemon = True self.running = True self.interval = interval self._stopping = Queue() self.main.start()
[docs] def mainloop(self): stopping = False while not stopping: try: self._stopping.get(timeout=self.interval) except Empty: stopping = False else: stopping = True # We run one final time if stopping so that after we have stopped, # get_modified_info() is guaranteed to reflect any events prior to stop() # being called with self.lock: self.update_files(trigger_callback=not stopping) self.check(trigger_callback=not stopping)
[docs] def update_files(self, folders=None, trigger_callback=True, recursive=True): """Refresh the watchlist of files (FileWatcher.files) by checking the folders kwarg or Filewatcher.folders if this is not specified. """ if folders is None: folders = self.folders for folder in folders: try: for name in os.listdir(folder): path = os.path.join(folder, name) # Recurse into subdirectories if recursive and os.path.isdir(path): self.update_files([path], trigger_callback) else: if not path in self.files: self.files.add(path) if trigger_callback: self.callback( path, os.path.getmtime(path), 'created') except OSError: # Folder has been deleted. File deletion will still be # detected, so we can ignore this. continue
[docs] def _modified_info_of_file(self, name): try: # If extension is a hashable type, use hash for modified_info if os.path.splitext(name)[-1].lower() in self.hashable_types: with open(name, 'rb') as f: return hashlib.md5( # Otherwise use last modified time for modified_info elif os.path.isdir(name): # Modified info of a directory is a hash of its entries: entries = os.listdir(os.fsencode(name)) return hashlib.md5(b'\0'.join(entries)).hexdigest() else: return os.path.getmtime(name) except (OSError, IOError): # If it doesn't exist or is inaccessible, modified info is None return None
[docs] def check(self, trigger_callback=True): check_all = False deleted_files = set() for name in self.files: modified_info = self._modified_info_of_file(name) previous_modified_info = self.modified_info.setdefault(name, modified_info) self.modified_info[name] = modified_info if modified_info != previous_modified_info: if modified_info is None: if trigger_callback: self.callback(name, modified_info, 'deleted') deleted_files.add(name) check_all = True elif modified_info == self.clean_modified_info.get(name, None): if trigger_callback: self.callback(name, modified_info, 'restored') check_all = True elif name in self.modified_info: if trigger_callback: self.callback(name, modified_info, 'modified') for name in deleted_files: # Keep monitoring deleted files if they were explicitly added, since we want # to be able to detect them being restored: if name not in self.clean_modified_info: self.files.remove(name) del self.modified_info[name] if ( check_all and self.modified_info == self.clean_modified_info and self.files == self.clean_modified_info.keys() and trigger_callback ): self.callback('all', '', 'original')
[docs] def stop(self): with self.lock: if not self.running: raise RuntimeError("Not running") self._stopping.put(None) self.running = False self.main.join() self.main = None
[docs] def add_file(self, path): self.add_files((path,))
[docs] def get_clean_modified_info(self): with self.lock: return self.clean_modified_info.copy()
[docs] def get_modified_info(self): with self.lock: return self.modified_info.copy()
[docs] def get_modified_times(self): # Backward compat for BLACS from before file hashes were introduced return self.get_modified_info()
[docs] def add_folder(self, folder): self.add_folders((folder,))
[docs] def add_files(self, files, clean_modified_info=None): if clean_modified_info is None: clean_modified_info = {} with self.lock: self.files = self.files.union(set(files)) # Remove keys from the clean_modified_info that are not in the files # watchlist: for name in self.clean_modified_info.copy(): if name not in self.files: del self.clean_modified_info[name] # For all files added to the watchlist that we were not given a # clean_modified_info for, set it based on their info now: for name in files: if name in clean_modified_info: self.clean_modified_info[name] = clean_modified_info[name] elif name not in self.clean_modified_info: self.clean_modified_info[name] = self._modified_info_of_file(name)
[docs] def add_folders(self, folders, clean_modified_info=None): if clean_modified_info is None: clean_modified_info = {} with self.lock: self.folders = self.folders.union(set(folders)) initial_files = self.files.copy() self.update_files(trigger_callback=False) # Remove keys from the clean_modified_info that are not in the files # watchlist: for name in self.clean_modified_info.copy(): if name not in self.files: del self.clean_modified_info[name] # For all files added to the watchlist that we were not given a # clean_modified_info for, set it based on their info now: for name in self.files - initial_files: if name in clean_modified_info: self.clean_modified_info[name] = clean_modified_info[name] elif name not in self.clean_modified_info: self.clean_modified_info[name] = self._modified_info_of_file(name)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Example usage def callback(name, modified, event=None): if event == 'deleted' or modified is None: print(name, 'has been deleted') elif event == 'modified': print(name, 'was modified: ', modified) elif event == 'created': print(name, 'was created at ', modified) elif event == 'restored': print(name, 'was restored (hash {})'.format(modified)) elif event == 'original': print('All files are in the original state.') else: print('Unknown event from filewatcher: {}'.format(event)) test_files = ['filewatcher_test.txt', 'foo/bar.txt'] test_folder = 'foo' f = FileWatcher( callback, files=test_files[0], folders=test_folder, hashable_types=['.py', '.ini', '.txt'], interval=2, ) for path in test_files: folder, _ = os.path.split(path) if not os.path.exists(path): if folder and not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) with open(path, 'w') as f: print('Created file {}'.format(path))